Saturday 16 June 2012

Hanging of the exhibition

My plan for the day yesterday was to ensure my work was hung on my boards. I approached the photographs first as they required particular careful attention to measuring, to provide a professional presentation of work. In hanging the pictures, I acted with caution as there were a number of potential problems that could occur. Potential problems I was weary of were, images not being straight, the photos not staying on the wall and there not being consistency throughout the display.  With the assistance of other students I precisely measured out the positioning of the photos and evenly spaced them, and used sticky buds as an adhesive. As I was hesitant of this and worried they would not be strong enough to support the foam board, I applied a few more than necessary to ensure they stayed on the board.  To ensure consistency, I evenly space each work.
Now the work is hung in chronological order, I can myself view my development. I feel it makes a big difference to your opinion of your work when you view it hung simultaneously. Although I preferred the photographs to the paintings before they were hung (because I was worried they did not entirely encapsulate the atmosphere of the film), now they are all hung together I feel that by displaying the photos adjacent to the canvas', they re-enforce them. To finish my display I now need to set up the computer with my film playing which I aim to do on Monday.    

Putting up the exhibition has not only been about responding to the space I was provided with, but also considering another students work which is to be displayed along the same wall I am exhibiting on. As we were sharing the wall, it was important we communicated to make sure the wall collectively looked professionally presented and that each of our works didn't distract from one-another. For example she had a dress which needed hanging and although worried of causing too much of a divide of works, the textures of my painting were resembled in the surface tones of the dress, therefore formed a steady flow to the wall.

As there was further space available in the exhibition, I was given the opportunity to display more work. I previously wanted to display the paint close-ups, however was worried of the disjointed appearance of the work. As the close-up photos will be displayed separately from the film-work,  this resolves the problem of the disjointed subject matter.

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